The Power Pro sports the fastest tail rocker in the new range, milking that extra bit of naturally aspirated early planing and fast glide over the other boards. While the Power Pro is still super agile, you’ll notice right away that it’s easier to reach your proper position in the wave fast enough. You’ll be there in time, instead of wishing you were.
The bottom is a full vee with double concaves for a sweet blend of maximum speed and the most comfort. A fuller, more parallel outline has been incorporated for increased stability and drive though your turns and jibes. The Power Pro is fast paced and comfortable, the most stable ride of all Quatro Windsurfing boards. But don’t be mistaken, this board can throw spray and lay maneuvers into the water that would have been reserved to pure wave boards or freestyle boards until not long ago. Fully modern and fully inspired by its more radical siblings.
The Power Pro features both inboard and outboard stance positions for comfort and different skill levels.
The Power Pro 86 comes with a kick tail, sizes 94, 105, 115 come without a kick tail.
Pro Carbon Monocoque Construction.
Available in 86, 94, 105, 115 liters.
Powerbox center and Mini Tuttle side finboxes.
Neon sky blue.
Pro Carbon & S-Glass.
The Pro Carbon S-Glass construction comes with an EPS core. Deck specifications featuring FDS™ Full Deck Sandwich and FRS™ Full Rail Sandwich in single thickness for immaculate flex, pristine longevity and ultra light weight, DSS™ Double Sandwich Stance and 0.6mm wood reinforcements for pristine rigidity around the foot straps.
Inside deck lamination featuring UCM™ Unidirectional Carbon Monocoque connecting the mast-track to the stance area, BCMTM Biaxial Carbon Monocoque covering the entire stance area around the foot straps for supreme heel impact resistance, S-Glass rail bands. Outside deck lamination featuring BGM™ Biaxial Glass Monocoque covering the rear two thirds of the deck, full S-Glass deck.
Bottom specifications featuring FBS™ Full Bottom Sandwich in double thickness for ultimate strength. Inside bottom lamination featuring S-Glass rail bands. Outside bottom lamination featuring extra strong fin area reinforcements for jumping and full S-Glass bottom. Nose reinforced by 7 layers. Tail reinforced by 8 layers. This advanced performance construction combines ultra light weight, a super crisp feel and excellent durability.
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