When to Use Vend
In store and phone orders
International orders
Orders shipping to anyplace but Washington State
Tips to Using Vend
Shared Front Terminals: Be respectful. Save orders, leave window tabs open.
CC Info on Post Its and Notepads: Use them, then shred them. Do not leave them out!
Use Podium! Payment link is easy for customers, and minimizes front terminal time on Vend.

When to Use Woo
Orders Shipping to Washington State
When out of office: Paid orders are visible to BW team to fulfill.
When front registers are clogged. Finalize orders from your work station.
Tips to Using Woo
“Sent Invoice” Management: Tell customers invoice expires at midnight. If unfulfilled the next day, “cancel” the invoice quote to prevent closing issues.
“Save Draft” before charging credit card.
No international orders.