TOP 3 PRODUCTS IN 2024 – Big Winds’ Staff Picks
What items made the biggest impact on the water in 2024? Our Big Winds’ staff shares their three favorites.
What items made the biggest impact on the water in 2024? Our Big Winds’ staff shares their three favorites.
With the right wing, paddle, and backpack, you don’t need two cars to downwind SUP foil. TJ shares a trick to eliminate shuttling hassles.
Eddy is SUP foiling, winging, and windsurfing with a quiver that easily fits in his minivan. Winter, glassy, gusty, a tease breeze — he’s out riding. Here’s how he’s doing it.
What’s new, what’s improved, and why this wing has everyone (not just windsurfers) loving the boom. TJ and Duotone rep Travis Ronk dive in.
Here’s how to reduce friction between you and your water time. Less pack time, less pump hassles, less learning snags …
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